May 21, 2023

5 reasons why you should hire a pet photographer


Posing for pictures of your own can feel kinda cringe, but as soon as you add a dog into the scene, it's suddenly less awkward. Images of you with your dog simply become a celebration of your love and the joy that they bring to your life!

This means that pet photography is a perfect solution for those who don't like to be centre of attention but would love engagement or family photographs to cherish!

bluebell dog photography rode hall


Most possessions loose value as they age. Cars gain mileage, clothes go out of fashion, but a treasured portrait of your fur baby will never be disposed of.

In fact, they become more important to your as your dog gets older, and they hold that special place on your wall, or in your album, until you are able to laugh with the grandchildren about all the mischief they got up to! - This is one investment that you will never regret.

king charles spaniel bramhall park


I hate to be the one to bring this up, but reality is, most of us outlive our dogs. They are never forgotten, and they will always be a part of us. But wouldn't it be lovely if their soul and spirit lived on through a beautiful portrait of them in their prime, reminding you of all the fun times you had together.

Losing a pet is one of the hardest things we may go through in life. A lot of people panic when their dogs become senior or poorly, and suddenly they realise that the photoshoot that they said they would do 'one day' is now more important than ever. But there are many restrictions when your baby is older or more frail, and remembering them at their absolute best is lovely way to celebrate their memory and to feel thankful for all the good times they gave you - so honestly, it's best not to wait!

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I have no doubt that the latest i phones have awesome megapixels and sharp images.... but you know, a good picture isn't all about the camera it's taken with. I can take an amazing portrait with an old DSLR that I bought around 16 years ago.

What you can't do with the latest smartphones, is capture the real moments, the candid shots that only happen for a millisecond, the full speed action shots, the adorable moment they give you 'that look'. You cannot edit the images to an award winning standard on your phone, and you certainly cannot print them at 60" and create an insanely stunning piece of art work to honour your favourite family member.

pet photography action shot lyme park

5 - IT'S FUN!

Who doesn't love a good doggy day out?! Creating memories with your loved ones is what life is all about!

When you hire an experienced pet photographer who creates an exceptional experience for you (I'm not talking about those quick turn around 'pics on the day for £20' kind of photoshoots!) You are not JUST having their photos taken. Personal, on-location sessions are tailored to ensure that not only is your dog engaged, but that you are having a wonderful time and enjoying every minute of it too!

Every time you look at your gallery you will be reminded of the blooper moments, the moment you felt proud of them for holding still, the shot you SWORE we'd never get. And to boot, it's fantastic enrichment and stimulation for your dog!

cocker spaniel macclesfield pet photographer

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